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This hybrid format of face-to-face and remote learning will focus on fostering and supporting wellness and healing within communities, while doing the same within law enforcement agencies. Utilizing the NADA protocol to foster and support wellness, healing and creative safe spaces within individual and collective communities is the basis for this training.
Agenda: The following content will be covered:
Day 1 – 10/17/24
Exploring your Why – Begin to explore your “why” (motivation/interest in the training)
Reflect on “how” – How will you impact the community and integrate this intervention into the
health and wellness goals of the community.
DEIBA and the NADA protocol (establishes the tone and need for inclusiveness. Creating a safe
space of healing for all – Upheld by the NADA Organization
Lincoln Recovery Center – How History Repeats Itself
NADA Philosophy – “The NADA WAY”
The history of NADA as a social justice movement (View “Dope is Death Trailer) w/discussion.
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Closing Day 1 with Treatment
Trainees will be given a take-home assignment (approx.. 4 hours): Full Dope Is Death film viewing
assigned for extended and external learning – a component of the didactic training.
They will also complete a reflective written assignment harvesting that which was learned on day 1, as
well as Dope is Death.
Day 2 – 10/24/24
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Beginning Day 2 with Treatment
Checking In – What does sacred space mean to you? How will you create sacred space for others –
community discussion/sharing
Reflections on film and sharing synergy between NADA and Behavioral Health
Overview of the integration of traditional medicine/healing – reference World Health Organization’s
definition of “Traditional Medicine”
“The People’s Medicine” and Western medical paradigms
Overview of behavioral health, behavioral/mental disharmonies/challenges, inclusive of substance
use/misuse and addictive disorders
NADA as a tool to address trauma.
Self-care for healers – Modeling the NADA Way in Every Way
Integrating Community Support, 12-Steps, Faith-Based practices, Personal Philosophies, Spirit based
support, Movement – “Walking Good”
Balancing, Body, Mind and Spirit: The Importance of Cultivating Behavioral Health Support
The Natural Bridge between Behavioral Health and NADA – Providing a foundation and Pathway to
Healing and Wellness
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Closing Day 2 with Treatment
Trainees will be given a take-home assignment: “A State of Nothingness”: Reflect and journal in 250
words what comes up for you in the sacred treatment spaces that you co-create. How do you set the
stage and maintain the integrity of the circle? What do you come with and what do you leave behind?
Be prepared to share at the beginning of Day 3.
Day 3 – 10/31/24
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Beginning Day 3 with Treatment
Checking In – Reflections on “A State of Nothingness” – A Sharing of Journal Prompts
Use of NADA in natural and unnatural disasters
Research: Overview of Evidence Based Interventions and NADA
Introduction of the 5-point NADA Protocol/ OSHA regs/CDC regs (if applicable)
Point Location – Learning the Points
Point Location and the Spirit of the Points
Overview of expected NADA competencies
View Harvard University Press Series – 2 videos
Dope is Death Podcast and Discussions
Paired Point Location Exercise – Guided Practice and Feedback
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Closing Day 3 with Treatment
Day 4 – 11//7/24
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Beginning Day 4 with Treatment (HCDC)
Howard County Detention Center – Orientation (on-site)
Classroom: Overview of the 5 ear points, location and spirit of the points
How the needling impacts healing and recovery
Group management/role play
Putting it into Action: Point placement, intention and conviction (opportunities for in-class practice;
use of ear models, pictures and volunteers)
Practicum Preparation – Co-Creating Sacred Spaces simulated community clinics and spaces)
Integration of NADA and social justice and individuals /communities impacted by incarceration.
Integration of NADA in various settings: Maternal and child health; homeless communities; levels of
behavioral health care
Setting up the Administrative Side: documentation; reports; record keeping, community/disaster
settings, ordering supplies, etc.
Overview of State Regs/Liability Insurance
Overview of the NADA Organization/committees/membership/ADS to RT
Assessment of Competencies (Written test; Use of ear pics to assess)
Point placement identification; placement of 5-point protocol with intent and conviction.
Once practicum is completed, the awarding of ADS Certificates: also include a review of the virtual
steps to complete this.
Practicum Assignments and timetables
Healing Circle and Sacred Space – Closing Day 4 with Treatment
There will also be take home assignments that will be due during this time. These assignments are also factored into the required 30 hours of didactic instruction.
Practical Training Dates: In concert, with didactic instruction is the required practical portion of the training to be held on Fridays. The dates and times for practical/clinical portion of the training will be:
10/18/24 – 9:15 -1:15
10/23/24 – 9:15 -1:15
10/25/24 – 9:15 -1:15
10/30/24 – 9:15 -1:15
11/01/24 – 9:15 -1:15
11/06/24 – 9:15 -1:15
11/08/24 – 9:15 -1:15
11/13/24 – 9:15 -1:15
11/15/24 – 9:15 -1:15
We are the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, an organization that trains people in the NADA protocol to treat trauma, substance misuse, abuse, and mental health conditions.
Copyright © 2025 National Acupuncture Detoxification Association