News from the NADA Trainer Community

  • Public, Veterans

We wanted to share with you the very sad news that Michigan trainer, Tyrone Chatman, passed away in March from cancer. Tyrone became a trainer in the 1990s in Detroit, and brought NADA services to the Michigan Veterans Foundation (MVF), of which he was the CEO. MVF provides transitional housing and is a resource center for homeless veterans.

“Tyrone Chatman had boundless enthusiasm for so much of life, but especially for those to whom others paid little attention — the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the underserved.

And so, after years as a soldier in Vietnam, he came home to Detroit and devoted himself to taking care of them. You know what they call that? Service.”

-Mitch Albom

Read this beautiful obituary, written by Detroit Free Press’ Mitch Albom, “Farewell to Tyrone Chatman, the Michigan soldier who tended to soldiers”.

We are the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, an organization that trains people in the NADA protocol to treat trauma, substance misuse, abuse, and mental health conditions.

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