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NADA Acudetox training for Chesterfield Community Services (Open to Chesterfield Community Services Staff Only)

  • Hosted by: Victoria Jean Taylor


This 5 day training event is for  the staff at Chesterfield Community Services.

Dates are November 13/14/15 and Dec 5/6  – attendence is required at all sessions.

Some pre and post class homestudy is required.

Materials provided

Training Resource Manual Reading Assignments

Additional handouts (VA regulations, Clinical log, Acudetox, Why and  How, Class assignments)

Plastic Ears

Beads and Seeds Kit with tool

Sleep mix tea

Link to resource materials

Personal kit, provided at Clinical Class,containing: needles for 40 treatments, various sizes, 40 alcohol swabs, hand sanitizer, mask, clean field, sharp shuttle, hair ties, bobby pins, cotton pads, cotton tipped swabs, gloves, transport container

All additional treatment supplies for the practice clinic, including consent forms and first aid.

Materials to be provided by students:

Pen, clipboard, snacks

Class One:  8:30–4:30



Guided tour of materials

Needles, Beads, and Sleep Mix tea

Acuwellness experience

NADA:  historical roots, mission statement, evidence based practice – Points to Change

Preclass assignment review

Nature of Acudetox/energy medicine – the very basics

Ear anatomy, intro to points

The five acudetox points


Write:  Identify a time in your life when receiving acudetox would have been helpful.  How might it have contributed?

Read:  TRM 15 – 20, 36, 37

Do: practice finding the points using the pointer, drink and offer Sleep mix tea, wear and offer beads and seeds.

Class Two, 8:30 – 4:30

Homework review

Acudetox based treatment program models

Point Location review

Safety, clean needle technique, ethics pledge

Clinical materials introduction

Introduction to Needling

Needling practice

First Needling experience


Read: TRM 32- 35,41-48,

Write: Develop a NADA acudetox 5NP “elevator speech”

Do: Look at ears – on video and real life, notice the variety.  Practice needling the eraser, the plastic ears, your family/friends

Class Three – 8:30 – 4:30

Point location/needling  review

Clinical concerns

Protocol Modifications

Introduction to Chi/Five Phases

2 Practice clinics


Read: TRM 83 – 89

Write: Spend some time observing the natural world.  Where do you see transformation? Where do you see balance? Imbalance?

Do: Be kind to yourself.  Nourish your Yin.  Get a treatment.

Practice, Practice, Practice – provide at least 10, 15 is better, treatments between now and Jan 26.


Class Four, 8:30 – 4:30

Review clinical experiences

More about “the points”

Develop a NADA acudetox 5NP “elevator speech”

Safety and Consent

DEIBA and the protocol

Working with trauma: “Unimagined Bridges” video

Clinics x 2


Write/Design a poster, brochure or press release for an acudetox program.

Read: TRM 119-121,140,144-153

Do:  Recruit patients for our practice clinics

Class Five  8:30 – 4:30

Acudetox experience

Clinical review/concerns

Patient Management scenarios

Program implementation

Practice clinics  x 2

ADS competencies


All assignments and clinical competency must be  completed before a Certificate of Completion is awarded.


To register, please be sure to login
and have an active NADA membership.

Event Discussion

Trainer Information

Victoria Jean Taylor

We are the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, an organization that trains people in the NADA protocol to treat trauma, substance misuse, abuse, and mental health conditions.

Copyright © 2024 National Acupuncture Detoxification Association